Negro Folk Rhymes Wise & Otherwise - online book

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Phoenicians probably derived this knowledge of the art (of glass making) from Egypt. * * * It seems probable that the earliest products of the industry of Phoenicia in the art of glass making are the colored beads which have been found in almost all parts of Europe, in India, and other parts of Asia, and in Africa. The "aggry" beads so much valued by the Ashantees and other natives of that part of Africa which lies near the Gold Coast, have probably the same origin. * * * Their wide dispersion may be referred with much probability to their having been objects of barter between the Phoenician merchants and the barbarous inhabitants of the various counĀ­tries with which they traded." Here are evidences, then, that the African in his prehistoric days traded with somebody who bartered in beads of Phoenician or Egyptian make. I say Egyptian or Phoenician because if the Phoenicians got this art from the Egyptians I think it would be very difficult for those who lived thousands of years afterward to be sure in wThich country a specific bead was made, the art as practiced by one country being a kind of copy of the art as practiced in the other country. With the hisĀ­toric record that the Phoenicians were the great traders of the Ancient World our writers attributed the carrying of the beads into Africa, among the na-